About Us
The Central Board of Secondary Education launched the Sahodaya Movement mainly to introduce and experiment several nation-wide programmes, projects and activities for educational renewal and improvement. The Board is of the view that the active participation of schools in the true Sahodaya "spirit of living together" is a great source of trust, confidence and strength to CBSE as a National Board. The total number of Sahodayas has swelled to more than 260. Sahodaya Clusters form an important link between CBSE and its affiliated schools and it is a growing necessity today to be a part of it.
1. Name:
The organization shall be Rampur Sahodaya Schools Complex.
1. Location :
The office of the Rampur Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be the office of the Secretary’s school.
- However with the approval of General Body another permanent office address of a member school may be provided for convenience.
3. Definitions :
- The complex shall mean the Rampur Sahodaya Schools Complex (RSSC)
- The Executive Committee shall mean the office bearers of the RSSC elected or nominated as per the Rules laid down in Para 10.
- Year shall mean the Financial Year as April 1st to March 31st.
4. Jurisdiction :
The Jurisdiction of the Rampur Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be confined to Rampur and its suburbs. However this may be extended to other schools out of Rampur, if no other Sahodaya Complex is available for them to become a member. In the event of any dispute the Secretary is authorized to sue and be sued on behalf of the complex.
5. Aims & Objectives :
The Objectives of the Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be:
- To act as liaison between CBSE and the member schools in implementation of its policies and projects.
- To enable sharing of experience and facilities.
- To promote inter- school collaboration.
- To encourage professionalism among teachers and educational innovations among institutions.
- To promote academic collaboration through teacher exchanges, common science fairs, joint seminars, workshops, exchange of library facilities, production of teaching aids, preparing question banks and conduct of common examinations among member schools.
- To provide a forum for active participation among the member schools in developmental activities.
- To provide a forum for active participation in the field of Sports & Cultural activities.
- Any other activity that enhances the academic/ professional growth of the school/sahodaya complex/ board.
6. Organisation :
The RSSC shall be a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial body meant totally for "Educational Advancement" of its members. It shall aim at academic and professional growth of the members and their constituent staff. The RSSC shall function in an advisory capacity and shall not be involved directly or indirectly in the academic and/or administrative functioning of the member institutions.
7. Membership :
The RSSC shall be a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial body meant totally for "Educational Advancement" of its members. It shall aim at academic and professional growth of the members and their constituent staff. The RSSC shall function in an advisory capacity and shall not be involved directly or indirectly in the academic and/or administrative functioning of the member institutions.
- Membership is open to all the Schools affiliated with CBSE and situated in the said area of operation of the complex.
- The schools shall become members of the RSSC by paying the prescribed fee Rs. 5000/- AND approval off the Chairperson.
8. Enrolment: :
The Principal of the affiliated school has to apply to the Chairperson of the complex in the prescribed format for becoming a member of the complex. On receiving the application the Secretary shall peruse the request. The list of new members would be placed for information at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
9. Membership fees/Subscription :
- A school shall on admission to the sahodaya complex pay an enrolment fee Rs. 5000/- (one time) as approved by the Executive Committee from time to time before 30th of June, failing which a penal fee of equal amount has to be paid before December, failing which membership will stand cancelled.
- The member school also shall pay an annual fees Rs.2000/- approved by the Executive Committee (from time to time).
- The complex however may ask for special contribution for the conduct of National Level Programmes such as Annual Sahodaya School Meet, Regional Sahodaya Meet, Inter School cultural / Sports Meet etc.
- The period of Annual subscription shall be the financial year, from 1st April to 31st March.
- School/s shall not be eligible to participate in any of the programs arranged/ conducted by RSSC if they have any dues.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in the constitution, no member with any arrears of any kind of payment shall be nominated/eligible for election to any post of the Sahodaya Schools Complex.
- If any member does not participate in the activities of the complex by absenting for more than three consecutive meetings without prior permission, inspite of paying fees , the Executive Committee may resolve to cancel the membership.
10.The Executive Committee :
The EC shall comprise both elected and nominated members from amongst the member schools.
The members of the Executive committee shall be:
One Chairperson : To be elected
One Vice Chairperson : To be elected
One Secretary : To be elected
One Joint Secretary : To be elected
One Treasurer : To be elected
Three members : To be nominated by the elected office bearers
(The Chairperson/Convener of each cluster will be nominated as an ex-officio member of the Executive committee)
The E.C. can co-opt as many members as it deems fit for its meetings and these co opted members shall have no voting rights.
- The term of the Executive Committee shall be for two years and the same can be extended for another two years if majority of members are in favor.
- The Secretary shall be the Returning Officer, and shall notify the date of elections & vacancies. All nominations must be proposed by a member and also seconded by a member. The elections would ordinarily be held during the Annual General Meeting.
Mid term vacancy:
- In the event of a mid-term vacancy the Executive Committee may nominate a person from amongst the Executive Committee and/or the members for the remaining term.
11. Powers: :
- The Chair Person shall preside over all business meetings; in his absence the Vice Chair Person shall discharge the duties of the Chair Person.
- The Executive Committee shall approve an annual budget, and in case of exigencies, the Chairperson is authorized to approve the expenditure, which is to be ratified at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
- The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer in charge of the RSSC and shall work under the directions of the Chairperson . He/She shall keep a record of all proceedings, carry out correspondence in conformity with the Resolutions passed. He shall be the sanctioning authority for all payments approved by the Chairperson/ Executive Committee. He shall also be empowered to sanction a one time expenditure of Rs 1,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) in case of exigencies. These sanctions would require a post facto approval at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
- The treasurer shall be in charge of all matters relating to finance and shall maintain accounts, make payment based on sanctions by the competent authority. He shall submit accounts to the Executive Committee on a regular basis, and also on demand.
- The Chairperson may authorize the secretary or any other member to sign and execute all instruments on behalf of the Complex or to which the complex may be a party.
- The Executive Committee will execute the decisions taken in the AGM(approved by the Chairperson).
- To accept contribution in money or, kind which shall be dealt with according to the directions of the donors if it is beneficial to and in tune with the purpose of the complex.
- To appoint an Auditor.
- The E.C. may nominate the Secretary or any other member of the complex as the spokes person on behalf of the complex to give policy statements and press releases on behalf of the complex.
12. Meetings :
- 12.1 Meeting of the Executive Committee
- 12.1.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year.
- 12.1.2 Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent for two consecutive meetings without notifying in advance and obtaining a leave of absence shall cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.
- 12.1.3 Seven days notice shall be given for convening a meeting of the Executive Committee. However the Executive Committee is empowered to waive the period of notice of Seven days, if the circumstances so demand.
- 12.2 Annual General Meeting
- 12.2.1 The Annual General Meeting of the RSSC shall be held once a year (before June 30th). The meeting would be held after the Executive Committee finalizes its report for the year and the accounts once audited and approved by them.
- 12.2.2 Twenty one days notice shall be given for the Annual General Meeting,
- 12.2.3 The General body shall have the powers to:
a) To elect office bearers
b) To enact, adopt, amend or repeal bye laws provided such bye laws are in keeping with the aims and objectives of the complex.
c) The G.B. may deprive all the benefits of the complex to a member school if it is found that the member school is working against the interest of the complex.
- 12.3 Extra ordinary/special General body meeting
An Extra ordinary General meeting can be convened by the Chairperson as authorized by the Executive Committee. Extra ordinary/special meeting may be called for by the Chairperson on request by the majority members of the E.C. Amendments to the constitution of Rampur Sahodaya Schools Complex could be approved only in this meeting.
- 12.4: Sahodaya Meetings
The secretary can call meetings of all Sahodaya schools as and when it is required for special occasions like functions, seminars, workshops , conferences , VIP visits etc. Such meetings will not be considered as a General Body Meeting. The intimation may be conveyed through a circular/e-mail.
13. Quorum :
The quorum for any meeting will be 1/5 of its members. This is applicable for all meetings. If there is no quorum the scheduled meeting shall be postponed by a week and in the event of no quorum in the second meeting also, the resolutions made in the second meeting to be circulated amongst the members for their approval by giving 7 days time for their response, in case no response is received during the stipulated time it shall be presumed that the resolution meets their approval and is deemed passed.
14. Voting :
All decisions as far as possible shall be unanimously approved after discussions. However in the absence of unanimity in decisions, the matter shall be put to vote. All the members shall have one vote, and in the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote, which may be exercised. The co-opted members of the Executive Committee shall have no voting rights.
15. Accounts :
The Sahodaya School Complex shall open a bank account in a Nationalized bank. The account shall be operated jointly by any two of the three office bearers who are authorized to sign on behalf of the complex viz. the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall approve the audited statements before placing at the Annual General Meeting.
16. Dissolution :
If the three fourths of the members of the complex decide that the purpose of the complex are no longer being fulfilled or the necessity of the complex has ceased to exist, then the members shall dissolve the complex and remaining who will accept the liabilities will be merged with any other organization having similar objectives. The immovable/movable property should not be divided among the members of the complex.
17. Powers to amend/alter:
- Amendments or alterations, if any, to the Bye laws of the RSSC, in any form shall be made at the Extraordinary/Special General Body meeting. Such amendments or alterations to any of the existing provisions would be carried out only if it has the approval of a simple majority of the members present at Extra ordinary/Special General body meeting.
- Any request for alteration of any clause of the Bye-laws shall be admitted only if the request is from at least 1/5th of the current members registered/ listed.
18. Residuary Powers :
In the event of any doubt arising about the interpretations of the above laws, the matter shall be referred to the General Body meeting whose decision shall be final and binding.