1. Membership :
The RSSC shall be a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial body meant totally for "Educational Advancement" of its members. It shall aim at academic and professional growth of the members and their constituent staff. The RSSC shall function in an advisory capacity and shall not be involved directly or indirectly in the academic and/or administrative functioning of the member institutions.
- Membership is open to all the Schools affiliated with CBSE and situated in the said area of operation of the complex.
- The schools shall become members of the RSSC by paying the prescribed fee Rs. 5000/- and approval off the Chairperson.
2. Enrolment: :
The Principal of the affiliated school has to apply to the Chairperson of the complex in the prescribed format for becoming a member of the complex. On receiving the application the Secretary shall peruse the request. The list of new members would be placed for information at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
3. Membership fees/Subscription :
- A school shall on admission to the sahodaya complex pay an enrolment fee Rs. 5000/- (one time) as approved by the Executive Committee from time to time before 30th of June, failing which a penal fee of equal amount has to be paid before December, failing which membership will stand cancelled.
- The member school also shall pay an annual fees Rs.2000/- approved by the Executive Committee (from time to time).
- The complex however may ask for special contribution for the conduct of National Level Programmes such as Annual Sahodaya School Meet, Regional Sahodaya Meet, Inter School cultural / Sports Meet etc.
- The period of Annual subscription shall be the financial year, from 1st April to 31st March.
- School/s shall not be eligible to participate in any of the programs arranged/ conducted by RSSC if they have any dues.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in the constitution, no member with any arrears of any kind of payment shall be nominated/eligible for election to any post of the Sahodaya Schools Complex.
- If any member does not participate in the activities of the complex by absenting for more than three consecutive meetings without prior permission, inspite of paying fees , the Executive Committee may resolve to cancel the membership.